Top right: Black people from Australia
Bottom left: Black people from the Solomon Islands
Bottom right: French footballer Christian Karembeu, who is a Black man from New Caledonia
The African Origin Of The Aborigines Of Oceania
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Main links below will take you to Lisapo ya Kama which means African History in Lingala, a Bantu language spoken in the Congo, who aim to heal Africa, teach how to love, respect ourselves and rebuild as an entire and capable nation.
1 The Cradle of Mankind
Africa, Cradle of Civilization - Science has confirmed that all of humanity, from the Australopithecus to the Homo Sapiens (that is the modern humans in existence all over the world) undoubtedly came out of Africa. In other words, the first humans on earth were black, specifically African.
2 Pharaonic Africa
How old is really the Egyptian Civilization? A Chronological Essay - The conventional Egyptology states that the Egyptian civilization would be 5,300 years old and that its golden age with the building of the pyramids would date back from 4,500 years ago. Some elements would suggest that the classical African civilization is more ancient than said. We will therefore try to date it.
3 Imperial Africa
International trade during the era of African Empires - The high imperial African era (from 300 to 1500) was a golden age in the history of the Black continent. The different States maintained economic relations with the four other continents. This article will give you an overview of the intensity of these trades.
7 Black Presence in the World
Aksum, the powerful ancient Empire of the Horn of Africa - There are four great empires in the world: Aksum, Rome, Persia and China - Mani, Persian philosopher, 3rd century. For 1000 years, in the territories that are today Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, but also Sudan, Yemen, Somalia and Saudi Arabia, the Aksum empire shone. This article will deal with this African state with advanced knowledge and a rich and complex history.
A woman of African descent, with ancestral roots across West Africa, Americas and descendant of emancipated slaves re-settled back to West Africa.
My DNA reading Yoruba (87.7%) was absolutely correct.
The Aborigines of Australia, the Papuans, the Melanesians (New Caledonians, Samoans, etc.), all these indigenous black populations of Oceania, are, according to researchers, of African origin.
History of Africa with Zeinab Badawi Episodes 1 - 21
Zeinab Badawi travels across the continent examining the origins of humankind, how and why we evolved in Africa - The greatest exporter of all time is Africa, every human being originated in Africa.
Black people ignore that their ancestors, who adjusted to the material conditions of the Nile valley, are the oldest guides of humankind on the way to civilization - Cheikh Anta Diop
Lisapo ya Kama - African History
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Continue to site - once you visit en.lisapoyakama.org your browser will detect the security certificates that prove they are who they say they are on the internet.
1 The Cradle of Mankind
Africa, Cradle of Civilization - Science has confirmed that all of humanity, from the Australopithecus to the Homo Sapiens (that is the modern humans in existence all over the world) undoubtedly came out of Africa. In other words, the first humans on earth were black, specifically African.
2 Pharaonic Africa
How old is really the Egyptian Civilization? A Chronological Essay - The conventional Egyptology states that the Egyptian civilization would be 5,300 years old and that its golden age with the building of the pyramids would date back from 4,500 years ago. Some elements would suggest that the classical African civilization is more ancient than said. We will therefore try to date it.
3 Imperial Africa
International trade during the era of African Empires - The high imperial African era (from 300 to 1500) was a golden age in the history of the Black continent. The different States maintained economic relations with the four other continents. This article will give you an overview of the intensity of these trades.
4 Spirituality and Culture
African Religion from science to the discovery of God - There is only one religion in authentic Africa. What are its foundations? Why is it called animism? By the end of this article, you will never look at Africa the same way again.
African Religion from science to the discovery of God - There is only one religion in authentic Africa. What are its foundations? Why is it called animism? By the end of this article, you will never look at Africa the same way again.
5 Liberation Struggles
Bantu Steve Biko, the man and the thought - A young and charismatic man, endowed with an exceptional intelligence, the struggle against apartheid, a short life, a horrible death, all this happened to Steve Biko, an icon in the black imaginary. But beyond the isolated quotes one can read, we will discover the very rich thought – and somehow surprising – of this glorious ancestor.
6 Black Holocaust
The ‘Positive role’ of Colonization : Deciphering a Lie - The colonialists used to say that they made us part of history. We will demonstrate today that no. They took us out of history, from our own history, to follow them in their train, in the last place, in the train of their history - Amilcar Cabral father of the independence of Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde.
Bantu Steve Biko, the man and the thought - A young and charismatic man, endowed with an exceptional intelligence, the struggle against apartheid, a short life, a horrible death, all this happened to Steve Biko, an icon in the black imaginary. But beyond the isolated quotes one can read, we will discover the very rich thought – and somehow surprising – of this glorious ancestor.
6 Black Holocaust
The ‘Positive role’ of Colonization : Deciphering a Lie - The colonialists used to say that they made us part of history. We will demonstrate today that no. They took us out of history, from our own history, to follow them in their train, in the last place, in the train of their history - Amilcar Cabral father of the independence of Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde.
7 Black Presence in the World
Aksum, the powerful ancient Empire of the Horn of Africa - There are four great empires in the world: Aksum, Rome, Persia and China - Mani, Persian philosopher, 3rd century. For 1000 years, in the territories that are today Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, but also Sudan, Yemen, Somalia and Saudi Arabia, the Aksum empire shone. This article will deal with this African state with advanced knowledge and a rich and complex history.
8 Scientists, Inventors and Inventions
Philip Emeagwali, the mathematician who developed the supercomputer in the late 1980s - In 1989, this Nigerian received the most prestigious prize in the world of computing, after developing the fastest computer in the world at that time, and making an essential contribution to the improvement of the Internet.
9 Challenges / Opinions
Blacks sold Blacks - Deciphering a lie - When a nation is invaded, there are always 3 categories of response to the invader. There are those who resist to the end, there are those who collaborate by force because they have no other choice, and there are traitors who willingly collaborate with the enemy.
Philip Emeagwali, the mathematician who developed the supercomputer in the late 1980s - In 1989, this Nigerian received the most prestigious prize in the world of computing, after developing the fastest computer in the world at that time, and making an essential contribution to the improvement of the Internet.
9 Challenges / Opinions
Blacks sold Blacks - Deciphering a lie - When a nation is invaded, there are always 3 categories of response to the invader. There are those who resist to the end, there are those who collaborate by force because they have no other choice, and there are traitors who willingly collaborate with the enemy.
For every black woman or man who gets to know their true history, it's normal for them to be flabbergasted, shocked to discover who they really are. The astonishing Egyptian civilization, Carthaginian civilization, Niger Bend empires or the Shona civilization in Zimbabwe, Benin Kingdom or Kong empire, Swahili or Ashanti civilization, Imperial Morocco and Moorish civilization in Spain, black civilizations or pre-columbian America or first civilizations, etc. We move from surprises to surprises, and it is obvious to wonder why in what name we have been deprived from the knowledge of such a glorious past. Why did Westerners steal our memory and our ancestors?
A woman of African descent, with ancestral roots across West Africa, Americas and descendant of emancipated slaves re-settled back to West Africa.

My DNA reading Yoruba (87.7%) was absolutely correct.