Horatio W Dresser 1866 - 1954 was a New Thought religious leader and author in the United States and the son of the Dressers who were part of Phineas Quimby's entourage. The Quimby's taught a fusion of the princples of Mesmerism with biblical justification. This helped people to recognize and realize the importance of the Mind - Body connection.
In 1919 he became a minister of General Convention of the Church of the New Jerusalem, and served briefly at a Swedenborgian church in Portland, Maine.
In addition to his writings on New Thought, Dresser is known for having edited two books of selected papers by Phineas Parkhurst Quimby. Both of Dresser's parents had studied with the mesmerist, who influenced the New Thought movement.
Researchers have at times drawn attention to the idea that the Dresser's may have had a mixed background and thus were quintessentially American. The idea that the Dressers had African American heritage is a demonstration of the power of the combination of nature plus nurture. This would explain the powerful genius of Horatio Dresser whose works are considered essential reading for those exploring New Thought.
What is New Thought?
New Thought is first and foremost governed by the simple principle that when we change our thinking, we change our lives. As a spiritual path New Thought encompasses a variety of approaches rooted in different cultures which promote a practical approach to life resulting in increased health, joy, abundance and success.
The oldest form of New Thought that we know of teaches us to walk in beauty and through seeing good, manifest more good - the Navajo Beauty Way
Guided by a set of metaphysical beliefs concerning the effects of positive thinking, the law of attraction, healing, life force, creative visualisation, and personal power. It promotes the ideas that
"Infinite Intelligence" or "God" is ubiquitous, spirit is the totality of real things, true human self hood is divine, divine thought is a force for good, all sickness originates in the mind, and 'right thinking' has a healing effect.
- New Thought believe that their interpretation of "God" or "Infinite Intelligence" is "supreme, universal, and everlasting".
- Divinity dwells within each person and that all people are spiritual beings.
- "The highest spiritual principle loving one another unconditionally, and teaching and healing one another", and that "our mental states are carried forward into manifestation and become our experience in daily living".
If you're interested in learning more about New Thought, The Master Key System by Charles F Haanel, this is it, the greatest personal development book ever written.
First published as a 24-week correspondence course in 1912 and then book form in 1916, this classic book offers a comprehensive guide to harnessing the power of your mind to achieve success and fulfillment.
Its principles of positive thinking, visualisation, and the law of attraction have inspired countless individuals to transform their lives, and can do the same for you 🤔