Professional Nail Care and Treatment

Learn how to care for nails like a pro and perform treatments like Manicures and Pedicures in this free online course.

Professional nail experts must know the latest trends and techniques as the nail business develops its identity and takes on a more prominent role in the beauty industry. The first half of this cosmetology course teaches you the science of nail technology. We discuss the anatomy of body parts that nail technicians handle to help you work safely and understand the treatment needs of clients. Professional nail treatments should take place in comfortable and safe environments to protect the health and safety of both client and nail care practitioner. We lay out the proper equipment and techniques you should use to enhance service quality.

The course then moves on to manicures and pedicures. We outline these techniques and go through their procedures, precautions and benefits in detail. We then discuss the creative aspect of nail care and explore the world of artificial nails and nail art. The course also describes common nail diseases and disorders and shows you how to identify what you can safely treat in a salon.

The safety of personnel and clients is vital in managing any nail salon. We explain how to employ safe work practices to ensure that you stay on the right side of the relevant UK laws. This comprehensive course is thus helpful to all aspiring nail experts and cosmetologists and even prepares you to manage a nail salon or home business. 

In This Course, You Will Learn How To...

✅ Outline the modern nail care industry's scope and demands
✅ Discuss how hand and foot nerves, bones and muscle anatomy affects nail care services
✅ Identify the skin's underlying structure and its basic needs
✅ Recognise the function and characteristics of the natural nail
✅ List the essential pieces of equipment and setup of a professional nail treatment unit
✅ Recall the properties of the hygiene chemicals used to keep nail products safe
✅ Explain how to perform manicures and pedicures and add nail art
✅ Analyse which concerns to address for the care of natural and artificial nails
✅ Evaluate the symptoms of nail disorders, diseases and allergies
✅ Distinguish between treatable and untreatable nail conditions
✅ Select a suitable career as a nail technician
✅ Outline the safe practices and regulatory aspects of salon management in the UK
✅ Launch your own nail care business and take your cosmetology skills to the next level 😊

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